Which of these 5 volunteer experiences are for you?

If you’d like to donate your time and energy in any of the following ways, we would be so grateful!
- Every dollar helps. Click here to donate, or call 725-1461.
Volunteers, Committee Members, Organizers, Board Members
- Help with hospitality-these individuals work within a team to provide refreshments for events. This can include contacting potential bakers, preparing baked goods and other snacks, donating beverages, attending the event to help set up and/or clean up afterwards. (The frequency of events peaks in July & August.)
- Help with special events, including our annual book & bake sale, election day bake sale, community breakfasts, ice cream social
- Bakers & cooks! We often need refreshments for programs & breakfasts. We’re okay with store-bought items, too!
- Book covering, dusting, organizing, weeding and raking.
- Circulation desk coverage on Saturdays from 1-3 pm.
- Ideas for summer children’s programming.
- Presenters for special adult programs — share your special talent, knowledge and skills with the community!
- New board members-let us know if you have an interest in serving on our board. We will interview you to explore how your skills and interests match the needs of the library.
Facilities & Misc.
- Volunteers to serve on the facilities committee: these individuals would be involved as needed with grounds maintenance, HVAC systems and other short-term and long-term projects pertaining to the building.
- Mowing the lawn on a regular basis (Currently, the library pays for this service)
- Raking leaves and fall clean-up (Currently, the library pays for this service)
- Snow removal on porch and walk-ways (Currently, the library pays for this service)
- Washing windows twice per year (spring and fall)
- Outdoor seating for the summer time
- Healthy prepackaged small snacks for children’s programming
- Paper products such as toilet tissue, Kleenex, paper towels, paper cups, napkins and small plates, kitchen-size trash bags
- A volunteer to take recycling to the Harpswell landfill twice per month
- We accept books
- We do not accept magazines, reference books, or books that have been written in or damaged.
- We do not accept Books in poor condition, i.e. Brown or dark yellowed page edges, torn covers, books without covers, children’s books or puzzle type books with missing parts, pages already filled in, torn pages or bent pages, etc. sorry – NO books too well loved and used.
- We do not accept “old” books. However, Cundy’s Harbor Library collects historically relevant and first or old editions in good condition. We do not accept books just because they are old.
- If you aren’t sure, you can call the Library or bring them in for the Librarian to look at.
Both monetary gifts and donated items are tax deductible with a gift or monetary receipt for charitable giving. These are available upon request by the donor.