On Groundhog Day, Heather Logan assumed the directorship from Karen Schneider. Heather lived in Brunswick and graduated from Brunswick High School when Harpswell students were part of the school. A retired speech-language pathologist and special education teacher who has returned to Maine from Utah. Heather remains a member of the Cliff Notes Writers of Boulder Utah. When not at the library, Heather loves to hike, kayak, and photograph places and spaces. An avid reader with 3 librarians as close friends, if she can’t recommend a book she knows who to ask. Having written curriculum for over 30 years, come in if you need ideas for these educational “moments” or books.
Assistant Librarian David Perrier has a special interest in history as well as expertise in digital library technology. He has a master’s degree in Information & Library Science from Drexel University. He loves sharing his computer skills with patrons and has digitizing all the historical data we’ve accumulated over the years. If you need tech help, David is your man!